flailing in my kitchen v3

How can I be sad when I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Showing posts filed under: guest post

I made the pasta a little too salty

A guest post from my cousin Leng

Getting here was quite the ordeal; It was a story of intrigue and betrayal. Plot twists! O' Mennonites! A story too long and drawn out to regale in a single blog post, but the short of it was I arrived three hours later than expected. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of my final destination-- homeland of Gian'Iggle, a city with at least one river and probably at least one bridge: Pittsburgh (the 'Burgh).

During my time on that train, I had plenty of time to decide what I would cook. I told Jeje that if I stayed at her place this weekend, I would cook a meal so she wouldn't be cooking all the time. The problem is, I'm a "throw things together and hope for the best" kinda guy. I don't really cook foods with names. I started thinking of meals I knew the names of. "Does pasta count?" I thought to myself. My work caters lunch, and one of the foods I remembered trying was the Winter Cajun Pasta from Fireworks Pizza in Arlington. I gave it a quick Google search, and lo and behold, a recipe from Budget Bytes appeared. Long time fans of this blog already know-- it seemed like it was meant to be. I had decided that's what I would make, and I instantly started to get hungry. So, I ate the small bag of roasted chestnuts I brought with me as emergency provisions.

Cajun pasta with kielbasa
I decided to write this blog post when I was aleady halfway-done stuffing my face. That's why the pan is so devoid of pasta. I tried my best to spread it out.

At last, I arrived at the Amtrak station. I want to say thanks to my Jeje for picking me up at the station at the incredibly late/early hour of 3am (with yummy Kent mangoes), and to Dan for setting up such a wonderful comfy mattress for me to sleep on during my stay.

When I got to Jeje's apartment, I knew I needed to sleep because tomorrow was the Big DDR Holiday Party, but for some reason I couldn't. In a vain attempt to lull myself to sleep I tried listening to a two hour video on Spongebob lore, but it was so bad I couldn't bear it. Instead, I opted to rest in silence, to drift off to the sound of the rumbling heater. I hope I have the energy to dance hard today!

Oh, here's the link to the recipe! I opted to substitute the chicken with kielbasa.

Filed under: guest post sausage pasta

Hi! I like to cook, and I like to blog. This is where I dump out all my thoughts about food.

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